Accountability and the Emotional Cycles of Change with Jennifer Dawn

Like the roots that one day become a tree bearing apples, Jennifer Dawn’s story began by selling those apples lest they unceremoniously return to the earth. After many successes and a few insightful setbacks, Jennifer had amassed such a distinct legacy of experience that her role as a coach became the natural next step.

In this episode, we talk about the difference between accountability and responsibility, dealing with the emotional cycles of entrepreneurship (or any venture for that matter) and insights into optimal planning.

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2:00 Joseph asks Jennifer what is pulsating on her prefrontal cortex, her reply entails the challenges of configuring her mastermind group. Joseph shares in some of this as he’s been discussing the potentiality also.

5:10 The challenge with mastermind groups is finding that balance between having members run things to maximize value without the manager having to overcommit time to it. Joseph recalls how expectations should be communicated up front as per an incident he recalls during a webinar.

8:50 When asked about her role, Jennifer sees her work as helping empower entrepreneurs. Joseph follows up by asking about her perspective on A.I as it relates to our ongoing theme of human innovation.

14:41 Joseph asks Jennifer what influences she had that inspired her to move into a coaching role. She reflects on her success and setbacks that influenced her perspective on entrepreneurship.

19:03 Because her apple stand has such an intrinsic chapter to her story, Joseph asks Jennifer if there were any skills, traits and philosophies that evolved as her career progressed.

24:14 For our Save The WIki segment, we discuss accountability coaching but also the nature of accountability. Joseph ponders the difference between accountability and responsibility.

30:40 We discuss the emotional cycles of entrepreneurship, which to Joseph’s surprise and delight is a whole formula Jennifer is well aware of.

34:02 We discuss what goes into making a great planner as much as it is important in being a good planner.

40:43 Although certainly a contested word, hate of business is a reality for many entrepreneurs, Joseph asks where does this hatred come from?

46:14 Joseph reflects on the many terms that stem from hatred and its inverse, love. We can allow hatred to well up incrementally and not realize how much hold it starts to have.

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